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Naturopath in Downtown Toronto Center (416) 922-4114

There are several types of diagnostic tests that Toronto naturopaths can use to detect intestinal parasites. Naturopath Toronto clinic Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre use a variety of tests to assess your gastrointestinal health including GI 360, GI Effects, GI-MAP, and stool ova/parasite testing and other tests. For more details, contact us at (416) 922-4114.


Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre is owned Dr. Amauri Caversan,ND a Naturopathic Doctor committed to optimizing his patients’ health, well-being and overall quality of life. A graduate of The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Amauri also holds a Bachelor of Science degree - a combination that has led to a successful practice where traditional treatments are applied on a proven scientific basis.

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