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Detoxification – Naturopath Toronto Doctor Dr. Amauri Caversan ND

When a toxin overpowers the normal excretion mechanisms, the body produces inflammation in the areas where toxins are present (in an effort to rid itself of the problem). These inflamed areas may increase your risk for developing degenerative diseases; they are the body’s signal that it cannot rid itself of accumulating toxins. So if you are looking for help on how to detox naturally, you may contact Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre to learn more of our natural body cleansing program. Visit our Naturopath Toronto clinic today! You can also check driving directions to our clinic below.


Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre is owned Dr. Amauri Caversan,ND a Naturopathic Doctor committed to optimizing his patients’ health, well-being and overall quality of life. A graduate of The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Amauri also holds a Bachelor of Science degree - a combination that has led to a successful practice where traditional treatments are applied on a proven scientific basis.

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